September 29, 2023 Howard Thurman and the Power of Silence, Stillness, and SolitudeIn today’s fast paced world, we are all to familiar with the culture of go-go-go. But in order...
By peace4hearts
May 8, 2023 What Makes You Come Alive Book TalkCome hear how the contemplative spirituality of Howard Thurman leads to inner freedom, inner authority and a life...
By peace4hearts
February 9, 2023 Fiercely Loving Ourselves and Others: Where Contemplation and Compassion MeetThree wise authors deepen the conversation on fiercely loving ourselves and others: where contemplation and compassion meet. Rev....
By peace4hearts
March 13, 2020 BREAKING NEWS: Now is the Time for Deep Inner ListeningHave the words BREAKING NEWS now become like a broken neon sign that blinks all the time and...
By leritaheart
November 10, 2018 Have You Ever Communicated With Your Heart?Read about how I survived a heart transplant 24 years ago by talking with and listening to my...
By leritaheart
January 19, 2017 Howard Thurman and the 2017 Presidential InaugurationLately I’ve been pondering what my historical mentor and spiritual guide, Howard Thurman might say as we inaugurate...
By leritaheart